Meet the HERN Stack, where everything is written in JavaScript

The HERN stack stands for HarperDB, Express, React, & Node, which are all written using JavaScript

Margo McCabe
JavaScript in Plain English


New tech terms and lingo are constantly popping up in the development world. It’s hard to keep up! People also love to share and debate about their favorite tech stacks and tools and frameworks. That being said, there is no ultimate right or wrong answer when it comes to choosing a tech stack because it really depends on the specific use case it’s meant to solve.

Today, let’s take a look at the HERN stack. Ever heard of it? It’s a new “buzz word” as they say, and I thought it might be helpful to provide some clarity. The HERN stack stands for HarperDB, Express, React, and Node — the four technologies that make up this particular stack. They’re all written using JavaScript. This is a full-stack solution that follows a common 3-tier architecture (front end, application, and database).

As mentioned earlier, there are numerous stacks out there and different factors play a role in the decision to choose a specific stack for your project. You have the freedom to choose and try different stacks! To make sure we’re all on the same page, Stackshare defines a tech stack as “the set of technologies an organization uses to build a web or mobile application. It is a combination of programming languages, frameworks, libraries, patterns, servers, UI/UX solutions, software, and tools used by its developers.” So as you can see, the combinations and possibilities are endless!

What Makes up the HERN Stack?

  • HarperDB: Distributed SQL / NoSQL hybrid database accessed via a REST API
  • Express.js: Open source, back end web application framework for Node.js, designed for building web applications and APIs
  • React.js: Open source, front end, JavaScript library for building user interfaces or UI components
  • Node.js: Open source, cross-platform, back-end JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside a web browser

There are several reasons that these technologies work well together and serve as a great full-stack solution for projects like app and web development. There are also variants of this stack that would work just as well, such as swapping out and incorporating frameworks like Vue, Angular, or Fastify. HEAN, HEVN, HFRN… the combinations are endless. Don’t be afraid to get creative and choose what technologies make the most sense for you!

How Does the HERN Stack Work?

Hern Stack Functionality Flowchart

Like most tech stacks, this one has a frontend, backend, and database tier. The HERN stack allows you to write everything in JavaScript, ultimately simplifying and streamlining the development process. Each component of the HERN stack provides a unique benefit, and data flows naturally through each of the three tiers, enabling rapid development and simple upkeep. (Fun fact — HarperDB is actually the only database that was built from the ground up in Node.js, which you can read more about here!)


React serves as the frontend or web tier of the HERN stack. Among the many reasons React is taking over frontend development, as it enables faster development, simplifies coding and integration, and comes with a strong community. The HarperDB Management Studio was written in React. React has improved the quality of frontend development and allowed us to quickly make changes and improvements to our application.

HarperDB also provides a great React SDK, if that’s your style, or you could make calls directly to HarperDB via our built-in, easy to use API. Either way, you can query data directly from within your client-side application if you choose. React Hooks are a great place to manage your API calls and how responses are handled within your app.


Node.js and Express.js serve as the backend server or application tier of the HERN stack. Express essentially operates inside a Node server, as the server-side framework. Express is a minimal and flexible framework, with numerous HTTP utility methods and middleware at your disposal.

The idea here is that you build your custom API functions (GET, POST, etc.) with Express to be called by the React front end. These functions then make calls from the server to HarperDB to access and modify the database. You can utilize the HarperDB Node.js client, which natively supports promises and callbacks. The library makes HarperDB interactions feel more native to JavaScript by exposing each HarperDB operation as a function on the client object.


If you need to store or transport any type of data, which you probably do, you will also need a database. There are many database options out there, and it really depends on your specific project or end goal with the data. We have found that HarperDB works seamlessly with the other technologies in this stack, but as mentioned, you can swap out different parts of the stack to find what works best for you. For a little background: HarperDB provides full document store capability, plus enterprise-grade ACID-compliant SQL, effectively allowing you to run SQL on JSON. The database is accessed via a single endpoint REST API using SQL and NoSQL operations. With a dynamic schema, HarperDB was designed to ingest and handle any type of data at scale. Scaling is easy with HarperDB’s clustering and replication features, and our data model, built on top of LMDB, is enabling us to break records on both read and write speeds. The goal is to simplify much of the work when it comes to database installation, configuration, and administration.

Is HERN Your Next Full-Stack Solution?

You can essentially build anything with the HERN stack, and it’s especially great for JavaScript developers and projects with lots of JSON data. HarperDB, Express, React, and Node work well together, and with this tech stack, you can maximize your time writing code, and work on your project instead of debugging and other administrative tasks.

There are so many options when it comes to your tech stack — HERN, HEAN, HEVN, MERN, MEAN, LAMP, etc. — it’s important to try different stacks to determine which is the best fit for your use case or skill set!



On the innovative team @ HarperDB. Loves databases, dogs, skiing, & the outdoors. 👩‍💻